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Is there a mistress behind every husband?

 There are those men who cheat because it's simply who they are. This is something they witnessed while growing up. It begins with their own fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc. Sadly, this act of betrayal is rarely frowned upon due to the fact that it's become so common. The cheating man's friends and some family members cheer them on. They boast and talk about all the women they've been with. So, even though these men are married, it's almost as if they're praised for all the other women in their life.  Many wives are very aware of their husbands'infidelity. They end up staying and enduring so much abuse. Somehow these men brainwash their wives to believe that it was the other woman at fault. So, instead of the wife being mad at their cheating husband, they're mad at the other woman. They want to fight her and cause all this drama. They don't realize how pathetic of a reaction that is. They end up losing their whole self respect and value of themsel


 She used to be pretty. She used to be fun. She used to be happy. She used to not know.  After years of hearsay that her husband was sleeping around, and had children with other women, she has changed.  She is ugly. She's unhappy. She is bitter. She is aged.  She still stands by her cheating man.  He is hotheaded. He's a cheater. He is abusive. He is worshiped. He's a hero, he's the man. He is celebrated for having so many side chicks all over town.  She feels some kind of pride when she goes out to bars. She starts fights with women her husband has been with. It makes her feel large. It makes her feel good. She boasts with social media posts of her fights. She has pushed and kicked and feels she has won. But, what has she won?  She looks in the mirror and sees a bar fight wife. 

It's about respecting your wife. . .

Many married men-worldwide, are often served by young girls wearing skimpy, sexy attire at numerous sports bars. These men have lunch or dinner there, either alone or with business partners. Feasting their eyes. Many times, these girls are young enough to be their daughters, or even their granddaughters.  Usually, while these husband's are at these types of places, their wives are home taking care of the children. Many looking a bit rough, hair in a clip, sweats & t-shirt, huffing & puffing, cleaning up spilled milk and cereal off the floor, sweeping up food crumbs, and wiping tiny faces.  Sometimes these Mom's have a daytime job, then have to come home and work at their second job, which is cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the children.  Then, there are the stay-at-home Mom's that never get a break because this is their whole life.  Sadly, because of the sexy sports bars, social media, and the conveniece to it all, many men don't think of their wives when

Are you controlled by the man you're with?

 Many women live their lives being controlled by the man they're with. In my short stories you will get a sneak peek into this type of life. See why they choose to live this way. Discover the many emotions that these wives go through as they sacrifice their whole life for their family, enduring abuse and infidelity. Can they stay married till death do they part? Or will they escape this exhausting life to live out the life they were destined to live?  CLICK ON LINK BELOW FOR MORE...

An unhappy wife leaves a note for her husband.

 A clip from my second book: An unhappy wife leaves a note for her husband. . .  "To whom it may concern: For so many years, my husband didn't like me, but yet, he expected me to love him. At this point in my life, I cannot stand the sight of him. I must go on and experience what it's like to be loved. Yours Truly, Lety." Hooray! She left him!  Numerous women world-wide stay with men who are abusive to them. They're disrespected often. They're yelled at. They're talked down to. The husband is macho. He usually makes no sense at all. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's rude. He's abusive. He's a bully.  A young girl that I met recently, which is in her late twenties, had been with a man for eight years. She told me that he was always mean to her. She said he would call her from work daily. He would yell, complain, pick her apart. All over nothing. He simply had the habit of always wanting to cut her down. He would come home from w

Don't be that person. . .

Many girls and women are jealous creatures that get completely consumed and greatly threatened by the presence of another beautiful woman. They will create lie after lie, and say awful things to just about everyone, to tear down that beautiful woman. These types of girls and women are screaming insecurity! These types of girls are quite common. Occasionally, it can be a man as well. He will do this just to be mean, to be a bully. Keep in mind, Karma is a bitch. When you intentionally tear down another human being, it will come back to you ten times over. I've seen this happen repeatedly throughout my life. I've heard of many girls that have gotten their reputation ruined because one person created a huge awful lie about them. The lie grew and grew. Before you know it, the whole school was repeating these horrible lies. All it takes is one evil person to ruin another persons life. It is so unfair for someone's reputation to be ruined based on lies, but this happens often. Bu

So, you find out your man is talking to another woman. . .

 So, you find out your man is talking to another woman. . . there are women that will address it, argue it, make her demands, and give him an ultimatum- he either stops this or your relationship will be over. This is a healthy response. You keep your dignity, whether he chooses you or her, because you will not tolerate that he continues this relationship. You hold yourself up high. You are worthy. Even if he chooses her, you can repair yourself from that. Of course, it will be difficult and hurtful, but with faith, prayer, and a support group, you will be okay. You may end up living your happiest life yet.  Then there's the unhealthy way to handle this. . . some women become quite pathetic. Yes, they will address their husband about the other woman, but they will cry, they will beg, they will compare themselves to this woman. They become unstable and not want the man to do anything else but talk to them about this. They will stalk the other woman on social media. They will find out

Are you married? Or are you roommates?

Are you married? Or are you roommates? This is a very important question. Many years can go by without romance, without feeling special, not feeling like his pretty girl. Do you sit close to each other when you watch television? Or do you sit several feet apart? Have you held hands lately? Do you hug each other? Is intimate kissing a part of your daily lives? Maybe you realize none of this is happening. You know this isn't right, but you let it go. You let time fly without intimacy. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years. Before you know it, you realize how many years you have let go by without taking action. It takes effort to address the marriage. It's too easy to get comfortable living as roommates. You both can do what you want, when you want, but don't forget to do things together. You must plan dates. Can you make it a point to sit beside your husband, instead of several feet away? How about you grab his hand, hold his hand, this may feel