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Are you married? Or are you roommates?

Are you married? Or are you roommates? This is a very important question. Many years can go by without romance, without feeling special, not feeling like his pretty girl. Do you sit close to each other when you watch television? Or do you sit several feet apart? Have you held hands lately? Do you hug each other? Is intimate kissing a part of your daily lives? Maybe you realize none of this is happening. You know this isn't right, but you let it go. You let time fly without intimacy. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years. Before you know it, you realize how many years you have let go by without taking action. It takes effort to address the marriage. It's too easy to get comfortable living as roommates. You both can do what you want, when you want, but don't forget to do things together. You must plan dates. Can you make it a point to sit beside your husband, instead of several feet away? How about you grab his hand, hold his hand, this may feel strange if it's been a long time since you've done this, but it's a start. Try leaving your lips on his longer than just a few seconds. Wrap your arms around him. Hold his body close to yours for a while. If he's machismo, he'll say something, like, "what are you doing." Just tell him, you want to be close again. Let him know you want to be his sweet girl, his hot mama. Even though this may feel awkward, keep doing this, often. You absolutely should do this. You don't want to lose the intimate bond with your spouse. You may find a wonderful new love with the same man you married all those years ago. After all, you're growing old together, so why not make these golden years wonderful. Make this a goal. Make it happen. If by chance, your husband doesn't want to cooperate in this, keep in mind, you're never too old to find a new love. 😉

So, I ask again, are you married? or are you roommates? 

You can visit my author page by clicking on the link below. Much love to each of you. God Bless!


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