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A pinch of, "Her Jealous Husband," one of the stories in my book, "The Wives of Machismo."

Soon, Victoria is coming to work with bruises on her arms and face. Her Boss watches her every day and realizes that she's everything that he's ever wanted in a woman. At forty-two years old, he's never been married because he has never found, "the one." A few weeks pass and Victoria doesn't show up to work one day. Her boss calls her house but doesn't get an answer. He's really worried about her so he drives over to her house. He knocks on the door. Victoria slowly cracks the door open. What he saw stopped him. He could barely recognize Victoria. Her face was swollen and purple. One eye was completely closed shut. "You shouldn't be here," says Victoria softly. "Oh my God! Victoria, are you okay?" he asks in a panic. "I'm okay, she says in a quiet voice. "Victoria, get your purse and whatever you can't leave behind and come with me, now." he says as tears begin to roll down his face. She stutters, "What? Where am I going?" she asks. "Please," he begs, "just get a few things quickly and  let's go," he asks. She pauses for a moment and turns her head looking around. This home holds so many painful memories, she thinks to herself. She grabs her purse, slips on her shoes and jacket, then makes a run for it. She heads out the door, never looking back. Weeks later, knowing that his wife is living with another man, Richard files for divorce. Victoria feels a great load off her shoulders. Feeling light as a feather and enjoying her life for the first time in a long time, Victoria experiences being loved like never before. She never knew that this kind of gentle love existed. She falls deeply in love with her boss. His name is Matt. Soon, she and Matt are married and she becomes a stay-at-home Mom to their beautiful baby boy. The respect and great love that she and Matt share amazes her every day. All of this happened because of her jealous husband. 

For the whole story and others like it, you can order my book at:


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