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The following is one of the many short stories in by book. Another example of Abuse in the Home.

Bad Daddy

The holidays are here and Belinda just loves this time of year. She takes her two boys, ages four and six to take pictures with Santa at a local shopping center, where they're having games, door prizes and face painting. The store is filled with holiday music and scents of berries. Everyone is smiling and enjoying this special time of year. It hardly ever gets cold here in Rosenberg, Texas but they stop at a coffee shop and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa anyways. Feeling the warmth of the Christmas holiday, Belinda stops at their nearby grocery store to look at Christmas trees on their way home. The boys fall in love with a stunning tree. "Mommy, can we take this one home? please?" the boys ask with excitement. "Of course, we can," says Belinda. They go home and place the tree in the living room and begin to decorate it. They admire the beautiful strands of white lights as they each take turns placing special ornaments that have been made by them in preschool and kindergarten. They are so proud and can't wait for Daddy to get home and see their special surprise. He arrives shortly after. "Daddy! Daddy! Look! Look! Merry Christmas Daddy!" They boys yell with great excitement. Belinda smiles big for Carlos, her husband of seventeen years. Carlos glares at Belinda with wicked eyes and doesn't say a word. He walks toward the tree, grabs it and begins to drag it out of the house. Ornaments are breaking and falling off as he throws the tree at the end of the driveway. The boys eyes fill with tears. "Daddy! No, Daddy! No!" they cry. Carlos looks at Belinda. "I'm the only one who picks out a tree for this house! Do You hear me?" he yells as he heads back to the bedroom and slams the door. Belinda grabs her boys and they sit down on the living room floor, crying and holding each other. It takes Belinda many hours to comfort her boys. They cry and cry but eventually go to bed and begin to fall asleep. One of them whispers, "Bad Daddy."

For more stories like this, you can order my book at"


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