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Showing posts from April, 2019

Are you free to be exactly who you want to be?

My book is filled with short stories about the exhausting lives of many wives who marry controlling, possessive, abusive, and sometimes cheating husbands. These women endure being insulted, and disrespected on a regular basis. Being verbally abused hurts just as much as being physically abused. These wives wake up everyday living under the control of the man they married. When a man truly loves you, he doesn't hurt you, he wants to do everything to make you happy. The hardest and absolute best solution to avoid living this type of dreadful life is for the woman to end this relationship at the very first moment that she becomes fearful of the man she's with. These women must leave as soon as possible. The longer they stay, the harder it becomes to leave this abusive partner. Time is everything in this matter. With each passing day that a woman stays in these types of relationships, the tighter the grip the man has on the woman. After talking to many women in these types of
Women, whether you leave, or stay with your controlling husband, this book is for you. My short story collection features the lives of many wives who are under the thumb of a man. Find out which of these women sadly stay, which ones bravely leave, and which ones get to witness their husband get the karma he deserves.  Order your copy today at:  

A pinch of, "Her Jealous Husband," one of the stories in my book, "The Wives of Machismo."

Soon, Victoria is coming to work with bruises on her arms and face. Her Boss watches her every day and realizes that she's everything that he's ever wanted in a woman. At forty-two years old, he's never been married because he has never found, "the one." A few weeks pass and Victoria doesn't show up to work one day. Her boss calls her house but doesn't get an answer. He's really worried about her so he drives over to her house. He knocks on the door. Victoria slowly cracks the door open. What he saw stopped him. He could barely recognize Victoria. Her face was swollen and purple. One eye was completely closed shut. "You shouldn't be here," says Victoria softly. "Oh my God! Victoria, are you okay?" he asks in a panic. "I'm okay, she says in a quiet voice. "Victoria, get your purse and whatever you can't leave behind and come with me, now." he says as tears begin to roll down his face. She stutters, "W

A snip from "Bad Daddy," one of the stories in my book, "The Wives of Machismo."

"Daddy! Daddy! Look! We bought a Christmas tree! Merry Christmas, Daddy!" The boys yell with great excitement.  His wife, Belinda, smiles at her husband, Carlos, of seventeen years.  Carlos glares at his wife with wicked eyes and doesn't say a word. He walks over to the tree, grabs it, and begins to drag it through the house, towards the front door. Ornaments are breaking and falling off. He throws the tree at the end of the driveway. The boy's eyes fill with tears. "Daddy! No, Daddy!" they both cry out.  Carlos looks at Belinda. "I'm the only one who buys a Christmas tree for this house! Do you hear me?" Yells Carlos, as he storms into the bedroom and slams the door.  Belinda hugs her boys. Crying and holding each other, they fall to the floor. It takes Belinda many hours to comfort her boys, eventually, they go to bed.  As Belinda tucks them in, one of them whispers, "Bad Daddy."  For the whole story, and others like

The Wives of Machismo

Delfina is a well-educated woman with an exciting career, one day, she finds herself falling head over heels. Post-marriage, however, Delfina finds her husband to be abusive, and fearing for her life, she loses her hard earned independence.