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A Glimpse of One of the Stories from My Book.

A Piece from the story; "The Story Behind The Dress"

"How do I look?" Asked Delfina as she placed her hands on her hips and smiled.

"Like a tramp," replied John.

Delfina gasped, "excuse me?" She says in shock.

"I said like a tramp. Now go take that shit off!" He says.

"In your dreams!" She yells as she heads to the door.

He jumps off the couch and rips half the dress off of her.

Delfina screams in shock. She's so angry that she's crying. "I can't believe you did that!" She yells.

"You're a married woman now! Married women don't go out without their husbands!" Yells John.
"What?" She yells.

"You heard me! Now go take the rest of that shit off or I will take the rest of the dress off!" Yells John.

Delfina is in utter shock!

She goes to the bedroom and removes the rest of the dress and then takes off her makeup and puts on her pajamas.

She loves John and doesn't want to lose him.

She makes her way back into the living room and sits on the couch to watch tv with him.

"That's much better," he says as he places his hand on her thigh and begins caressing it.

Find out if these wives stay, leave or get revenge? 

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