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Women, stop the pattern of forgiving over and over again.

Why do so many women forgive over and over again?

They forgive a man for disrespecting them. They forgive a man for cheating on them. They forgive a man for abusing them.

This occurs over and over again to so many women.

So, why does a woman forgive this behavior in a man so often?

Is love really blind?

Some women look the other way because they don't like confrontation.

Maybe some women are just too comfortable to even think that they may have to work hard to support themselves.

A woman could feel like they can't do any better than the man they have.

Wives and girlfriends all over the world experience their man leaving them for another woman and yet they go right back to the man who betrayed them once the affair has fizzled.

Men want to have all the fun by having sex with a variety of women but they sure don't want to imagine another man inside of their woman. That thought drives a man crazy.

Usually, at that point is when the man goes back begging, pleading and promising they will change. Unfortunately, the women go back to this type of man without first having a little fun for herself.

Come on women, if you choose to live with a cheating man, how about making things even.

If you don't have a problem with him cheating, then he shouldn't have a problem with you doing the same. Just be careful and always use protection.

Honestly, if your man is cheating on you, the best thing is for you to just leave him once and for all.

If you are married to an abusive man, you need to get out now.

The bottom line is, if a man is cheating on you, he doesn't respect you and you must not be important enough to him to be loyal to you.

Don't you know that he could catch a horrible disease and give it to you?

So, why would you think so little of yourself to stay with this type of man?

Also, there are many women that live with men that are downright mean to them. Always talking to them in an awful tone.

These types of insecure and possessive men often put their women down by always calling them bad names and constantly accusing them of being flirtatious with other men. This type of abuse can get quite ugly and exhausting for the woman.

Many women have told me that they stay in these types of relationships because they don't want to work and being married gives them the freedom to live well and have the luxury of being a stay-at-home Mom.

Cheating men usually provide very well for their wife. They cover their guilt with gifts.

Women, you can still have a good life with an honest man. You won't know what men are out there if you continue to stay with an abusive, disrespectful & cheating man.

Women should have their own dreams, hopes and goals in life and work hard to make them happen.

Several women don't succeed in life because they allow themselves to be controlled by a man that doesn't want them to become successful.

If you're a woman that has forgiven a man for disrespecting, abusing or cheating on you? Let him know that you will not forgive this type of behavior again and stay true to your word.

Be strong, be beautiful, be you.

Stop the pattern of forgiving over and over again.


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