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Showing posts from March, 2019
If you or anyone you know is controlled by their man, then, this book is for you.  

A peek into the story, "The Girl on His Computer," from my book, "The Wives of Machismo."

Her sister that lives many miles away has emailed her asking for a picture of the boys. She smiles and hops over to Marcos's computer because that is where she keeps all of the family pictures. She begins to look through the pictures one by one. She's smiling at all the sweet and funny pictures of her family. All of the sudden, the next picture that she opens isn't of the boys, it's a picture of a girl. This young girl has dirty blonde hair and is sitting inside a truck with the door open. She is posing with a big smile wearing a shirt and a short skirt. Her legs are wide open showing off her layers of flesh between her legs. Veronica instantly feels sick to her stomach at the thought of knowing that this dirty picture is on her husband's computer. She notices the surroundings of where the girl is. The picture is taken at the beach. Then Veronica notices the truck. It's her husband's truck! She runs to the restroom and vomits.  To read the complete story a
The most effective solution for a woman to not end up living a life filled with abuse, is to walk away at the very first moment she becomes afraid of the man she's with. The longer she stays, the harder it becomes to leave.  In my book you will get a sneak peek into the lives of many wives who have found themselves controlled, abused and oftentimes, cheated on.  Find out if these women will ever find the freedom they once knew.  Order your book or ebook today at: